Hi there,

In midlife, when inspiration is not as strong as it used to be, it can feel like the driving force behind both body and brain is slipping away. However, it’s crucial to keep both agile, whether you’re seeking to reignite that inspiration or find it anew. Laziness and stagnation are the enemies of progress at any age. Moreover, as we move beyond our twenties, taking care of our brain and body becomes increasingly important. It’s essential to recognize that both our brain and body still possess tremendous capabilities waiting to be tapped into

Use it or lose it

In this blog post, I’ll discuss how you can train your brain to keep your inspiration alive and thriving. The immense power of your brain is all yours to unlock.

The human brain is the most complex object in the known universe

It stands as a true marvel due to its immense complexity and sheer size. Comprising a staggering 86 billion neurons, each capable of forming numerous connections, our brains surpass even the most advanced supercomputers.

This neural network allows us to achieve a whole lot more than daily routines. It is this unparalleled complexity that holds the potential to drive innovation and progress across various domains, making it an invaluable resource for shaping a brighter future. Recognizing the vast power of our brains is both a privilege and a profound responsibility.


So, let’s train it. Or in other words: Stay curious. Cultivate a curious mindset, ask questions, and seek out new experiences to keep your brain engaged and active. The immense power of your brain is all yours to tap into, and the journey begins with fostering your innate curiosity.

Of course, the options to do so are unlimited. When it comes to brain training, the possibilities are vast, but let’s consider some essential criteria that a brain training activity should meet to be genuinely beneficial for you personally:

  • Challenge: It should be sufficiently challenging to have a positive impact on your cognitive abilities. After all, growth often comes from stepping out of your comfort zone. While it should be challenging, it shouldn’t become overly stressful, as stress can hinder learning.

  • Inspiration: Your brain training should be inspiring, aligning with your journey to #findYourInspiration. Engaging in activities that stimulate your creativity and passion can help reignite your inspiration in other aspects of life.

  • Enjoyment: Perhaps most importantly, it should be enjoyable and maybe even inherently helpful. If you find pleasure in what you’re doing, you’re more likely to stick with it and see tangible benefits.

That’s not too complicated, is it? The main rule here is probably simple –

Just do it

Find brain-training activities that meet these criteria and align with your interests and goals. The more you engage with them, the more you’ll harness the immense power of your brain and keep it agile.

Here are a few brain training ideas to consider:

  • Learn a (new) musical instrument: Learning an instrument is a fantastic way to engage your brain, but remember to set achievable goals.

  • Learn How to Learn: Discover a universe of opportunities and methods to enhance cognitive abilities. For example explore the transformative world of Jim Kwik’s training* (Link in German).
  • Learn a Language: Dive into an enjoyable journey of learning a new language and align it with your #findYourInspiration journey.

  • In General, Learn Something New: Explore various subjects, from physics to programming, from History to Chess, and find the joy in lifelong learning.

Be sure not to miss the dive deep

  • Dive deeper into brain training with real life examples and story. Keep inspiring one another.

    Published On: 29.12.2023Categories: Train Your Brain4.4 min read

Don’t forget the physical needs of your brain

Lastly, remember that your brain has physical needs too, and taking care of them is integral to maintaining a healthy and active mind:

  • Socialize and Connect: Building and maintaining social connections is vital. Interacting with friends and family or becoming part of clubs and social groups can help preserve your cognitive abilities and nurture emotional well-being.

  • Practice Mindfulness and Meditation: Incorporating mindfulness and meditation into your routine can be transformative. These techniques reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance overall cognitive function, allowing your brain to function at its best.
  • Get Enough Sleep: Prioritize quality sleep as it is essential for memory consolidation and overall brain health. Adequate rest enables your brain to recharge and operate efficiently.
  • Maintain a Healthy Diet: What you eat directly affects your brain health. Consume foods rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and other brain-boosting nutrients. A balanced diet not only supports your cognitive function but also contributes to your overall well-being.

Happy to hear your story

And finally, I’d love to hear your story. Let’s connect over our shared passions and continue this journey together. Don’t forget to check out Part 2 of this blog, where we dive deeper into specific brain training ideas.

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